
Grupa wsparcia dla kobiet (tadżycko i perskojęzyczna)

Celem grupy jest wzajemne wsparcie emocjonalne, pomoc w przezwyciężaniu problemów i stawianiu celów na przyszłość.

W trakcie spotkań skupimy się na tym co dotyczy roli kobiety we współczesnym świecie. Będziemy rozmawiać o tym, co oznacza dla nas rola kobiety, matki, przyjaciółki, pracownicy i jakie stoją przed nami wyzwania. Będziemy starały się spojrzeć na siebie i nasze problemy z innej perspektywy co pozwoli nam poznać drogę do ich rozwiązania. Postaramy się zidentyfikować nasze zasoby, mocne strony i potrzeby.

Udział w spotkaniach to szansa na uzyskanie wsparcia, zrozumienia i wiedzy pomocnej w codziennym życiu.


  • Środy, 16.00-19.00
    14 spotkań w terminach:
    25.10,  8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02


  • Biuro Fundacji Ocalenie (sala warsztatowa)
    Krucza 6/14a

Dla kogo jest grupa:

  • dla kobiet które potrzebują wsparcia i poczucia wspólnoty z innymi kobietami
  • dla kobiet mówiących po tadżycku i persku


  • Przed przyjściem na spotkanie konieczne jest wypełnienie formularza

Formularz zgłoszeniowy


  • Ewelina Burdon - mgr resocjalizacji i profilaktyki społecznej, psychoterapeutka, socjoterapeutka, trenerka. Od wielu lat pracuje w organizacjach pozarządowych wspierając osoby w trudnej sytuacji życiowej. Prywatnie kocha taniec, podróże i gotowanie.
  • Aleksandra Szymczyk – tłumaczka, kulturoznawczyni i iranistka. Członkini zwyczajna Stowarzyszenia. Tłumaczy Literatury. Tłumaczy w konfiguracjach językowych: polski-perski-angielski. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie we współpracy z organizacjami pozarządowymi działającymi na rzecz praw człowieka, w tym praw kobiet i praw osób w kryzysie uchodźctwa. Tłumaczyła m.in. dla Fundacji Ocalenie, Amnesty International, Client Earth, Fundacji Feminoteka, Federacji na Rzecz Planowania Rodziny i in. Uwielbia czytać i jeść. Kocha podróże, fotografię i archiwa.

Grupa wsparcia dla kobiet realizowana jest w ramach projektu Centrum Pomocy Cudzoziemcom IV współfinansowanego przez m.st. Warszawa.


Support group for women (in tajik and persian language)

The aim of the group is to provide each other with emotional support, help to overcome problems and set goals for the future.

During the meetings we will focus on what it means to be a woman in the modern world. We will talk about what the role of a woman, mother, friend, worker means to us and what challenges we face. We will try to look at ourselves and our problems from a different perspective which will allow us to learn the way to solve them. We will try to identify our resources, strengths and needs.

Attending meetings is a chance to gain support, understanding and knowledge to help you in your daily life.


  • Wednesdays, 16.00-19.00
  • 14 meetings on the dates:
    25.10, 8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02

Ocalenie Foundation office (workshop room):
Krucza 6/14a, 00-3 Warsaw

For whom is the group:

  • for women who need support and a sense of community with other women
  • for Tajik and Persian speaking women


  • Before coming to the meeting it is necessary to fill in the form

Enrolment form


  • Ewelina Burdon - MA in social rehabilitation and prevention, psychotherapist, sociotherapist, trainer. For many years, she has worked in non-governmental organisations supporting people in difficult life situations. Privately, she loves dancing, travelling and cooking.
  • Aleksandra Szymczyk - interpreter, cultural studies expert and Iranian scholar. Full member of the Literary Translators Association. Translates in Polish-Persian-English language configurations. She has many years of experience in cooperating with non-governmental organisations working for human rights, including women's rights and the rights of people in the refugee crisis. She has translated for the Ocalenie Foundation, Amnesty International, Client Earth, the Feminoteka Foundation, the Federation for Family Planning and others. She loves to read and eat. She enjoys travelling, photography and archives.

The support group for women is realised within the framework of the project entitled Help for Foreigners IV, co-financed by the City of Warsaw.


Support group for women (in tajik and persian language)

The aim of the group is to provide each other with emotional support, help to overcome problems and set goals for the future.

During the meetings we will focus on what it means to be a woman in the modern world. We will talk about what the role of a woman, mother, friend, worker means to us and what challenges we face. We will try to look at ourselves and our problems from a different perspective which will allow us to learn the way to solve them. We will try to identify our resources, strengths and needs.

Attending meetings is a chance to gain support, understanding and knowledge to help you in your daily life.


  • Wednesdays, 16.00-19.00
  • 14 meetings on the dates:
    25.10, 8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02

Ocalenie Foundation office (workshop room):
Krucza 6/14a, 00-3 Warsaw

For whom is the group:

  • for women who need support and a sense of community with other women
  • for Tajik and Persian speaking women


  • Before coming to the meeting it is necessary to fill in the form

Enrolment form


  • Ewelina Burdon - MA in social rehabilitation and prevention, psychotherapist, sociotherapist, trainer. For many years, she has worked in non-governmental organisations supporting people in difficult life situations. Privately, she loves dancing, travelling and cooking.
  • Aleksandra Szymczyk - interpreter, cultural studies expert and Iranian scholar. Full member of the Literary Translators Association. Translates in Polish-Persian-English language configurations. She has many years of experience in cooperating with non-governmental organisations working for human rights, including women's rights and the rights of people in the refugee crisis. She has translated for the Ocalenie Foundation, Amnesty International, Client Earth, the Feminoteka Foundation, the Federation for Family Planning and others. She loves to read and eat. She enjoys travelling, photography and archives.

The support group for women is realised within the framework of the project entitled Help for Foreigners IV, co-financed by the City of Warsaw.


Support group for women (in tajik and persian language)

The aim of the group is to provide each other with emotional support, help to overcome problems and set goals for the future.

During the meetings we will focus on what it means to be a woman in the modern world. We will talk about what the role of a woman, mother, friend, worker means to us and what challenges we face. We will try to look at ourselves and our problems from a different perspective which will allow us to learn the way to solve them. We will try to identify our resources, strengths and needs.

Attending meetings is a chance to gain support, understanding and knowledge to help you in your daily life.


  • Wednesdays, 16.00-19.00
  • 14 meetings on the dates:
    25.10, 8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02

Ocalenie Foundation office (workshop room):
Krucza 6/14a, 00-3 Warsaw

For whom is the group:

  • for women who need support and a sense of community with other women
  • for Tajik and Persian speaking women


  • Before coming to the meeting it is necessary to fill in the form

Enrolment form


  • Ewelina Burdon - MA in social rehabilitation and prevention, psychotherapist, sociotherapist, trainer. For many years, she has worked in non-governmental organisations supporting people in difficult life situations. Privately, she loves dancing, travelling and cooking.
  • Aleksandra Szymczyk - interpreter, cultural studies expert and Iranian scholar. Full member of the Literary Translators Association. Translates in Polish-Persian-English language configurations. She has many years of experience in cooperating with non-governmental organisations working for human rights, including women's rights and the rights of people in the refugee crisis. She has translated for the Ocalenie Foundation, Amnesty International, Client Earth, the Feminoteka Foundation, the Federation for Family Planning and others. She loves to read and eat. She enjoys travelling, photography and archives.

The support group for women is realised within the framework of the project entitled Help for Foreigners IV, co-financed by the City of Warsaw.


گروه حمایت از زنان (به زبان تاجیکی و فارسی)

هدف این گروه حمایتی، شامل حمایت عاطفی، کمک برای غلبه بر مشکلات و تعیین  اهداف برای آینده افراد شرکت کننده می باشد.  

در طول جلسات تمرکز ما بر نقش زنان در دنیای مدرن می باشد. در مورد معنای نقش یک زن به عنوان مادر، دوست، کارمند صحبت خواهیم کرد و در خصوص چالش های پیش روی آنها صحبت خواهیم نمود.

بر آنیم تا از منظری دیگر به خود و مشکالتمان نگاه کنیم تا بتوانیم راهی جدید برای مشکلاتمان بیابیم، سعی خواهیم کرد منابع، نقاط قوت و نیازهای خود را شناسایی کنیم.

شرکت در این جلسات، فرصتی برای برخورداری و دریافت حمایت، درک و دانش مفید در راستای داشتن  زندگی روزمره بهتر می باشد.

زمان دوره :

چهارشنبه از ساعت  16:00 الی  19:00.

جلسات 14 بار و به شرح ذیل می باشد:


25.10,  8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02


مکان دوره:

بنیاد اوسلنیا ( سالن برگزاری همایش و یا کارگاه طبقه دوم)

  1. Krucza 6/14a



این دوره برای چه کسانی مناسب است؟

– برای زنانی که نیاز به حمایت اجتماعی و تعامل با سایر زنان دارند. 

– برای زنان تاجیک و فارسی زبان .



– قبل از حضور در جلسه، پر کردن فرم الزامی است. (فرم درخواست)



Ewelina Burdon:

وی فوق لیسانس توانبخشی اجتماعی، روان درمانگر و جامعه درمانگر می باشد. او سالهاست که در سازمان های مردم نهاد فعالیت دارد و از افراد در شرایط سخت زندگی  شان حمایت می کند.

در خصوص زندگی خصوصی اش می توانیم بگوییم او عاشق رقص، مسافرت و آشپزی است.

گروه حمایت از زنان به عنوان بخشی از پروژه  موسسه حمایت از خارجیان و با مشارکت شهرداری ورشو اجرا می شود.



ГУРУХИ ДАСТГИРИИ ЗАНОН (забонҳои точикй ва форсй)

Мақсади гурӯҳ дастгирии эмотсионалии мутақобила, кӯмак дар рафъи мушкилот ва муайян кардани ҳадафҳо барои оянда мебошад.

Дар вохӯриҳо ба нақши занон дар ҷаҳони муосир таваҷҷӯҳ хоҳем кард. Мо дар бораи он сӯҳбат хоҳем кард, ки нақши занҳо, модарон, дӯстон ва ҳамкорон барои мо чӣ маъно доранд ва мо бо чӣ мушкилот дучор мешавем. Кушиш мекунем, ки ба худ ва проблемахоямон аз нуктаи назари дигар нигарем, ки ин ба мо имкон медихад роххои халли онхоро пайдо кунем. Кӯшиш мекунем, ки захираҳо, қувваҳо ва ниёзҳои худро муайян кунем.

Иштирок дар вохӯриҳо имкони гирифтани дастгирӣ, фаҳмиш ва донишест, ки дар ҳаёти ҳаррӯза кӯмак хоҳанд кард.


Рӯзҳои Чоршанбе, аз 16:00 то 19:00.

14 вохӯрӣ дар рӯзҳои зеррин: 

25.10,  8.11, 15.11, 22.11, 29.11, 6.12, 13.12, 20.12, 10.01, 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 14.02


Дафтари Бунёди  Ocalenie (толори омӯзиши дар ошёнаи 2) 

куч. Круча 6/14А


Гурӯҳ барои кӣ аст?

– барои заноне, ки ба дастгирӣ ва ҳисси ҷомеа бо занони дигар ниёз доранд

– барои занони тоҷик ва форсизабон


Пеш аз омадан ба вохӯрӣ, шумо бояд шакли дархостро пур кунед

Шакли дархост


Ewelina Burdon/Эвелина Бурдон – Устоди барқарорсозӣ ва пешгирии иҷтимоӣ, психотерапевт, социотерапевт, тренер. Солхои зиёд аст, дар ташкилотҳои чамъиятӣ кор карда, ба одамоне, ки дар вазъияти душвори зиндагй дучор омадаанд, ёрй мерасонад. Рақс кардан, саёҳат кардан ва пухтупазро дӯст медорад.

Aleksandra Szymczyk/Александра Шимчик мутарҷим, фарҳангшинос ва эроншинос аст. Аъзои Ассотсиатсияи Оддӣ мебошад. Ба тарчумаи адабиётҳо низ сару кор доранд. Ба забонҳои зерин тарҷума мекунад: Лаҳистонӣ-Форсӣ-Англисӣ. Вай дар ҳамкорӣ бо созмонҳои ғайриҳукуматие, ки дар соҳаи ҳифзи ҳуқуқи инсон кор мекунанд, аз ҷумла ҳуқуқи занон ва ҳуқуқи одамоне, ки дар бӯҳрони панохандаги  ҳастанд.таҷрибаи чандинсола дорад. Вай аз ҷумла барои Бунёди Оцаление (Fundacja Ocalenie), Amnesty International, Client Earth, Бунёди Феминотека (Fundacji Feminoteka),  Федератсияи Банақшагирии Оила (Federacji na Rzecz Planowania Rodziny),ва дигарон тарҷума кардааст. Вай хондан ва хӯрданро дӯст медорад. Инчунин саёҳат кардан, аксбардорӣ ва архивро дӯст медорад.

Гурӯҳи дастгирии занон дар доираи лоиҳаи Маркази Кӯмаки Хориҷиён IV (Centrum Pomocy Cudzoziemcom IV), ки аз ҷониби шаҳри Варшава маблағгузорӣ мешавад, амалӣ карда мешавад



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