
Ongoing initiatives and projects

Refugees Welcome Poland
rooms for refugees

Refugees Welcome is a grassroot organization that was launched in 2014 in Germany to address refugees needs, especially regarding housing and social integration. It operates 16 countries now: Germany, Austria, Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Italy, Canada, Czech Republic, Romania, Northern Ireland, Australia, Japan, France and in Poland. The Polish chapter of Refugees Welcome was launched in October 2015 and has been functioning as a program of Ocalenie Foundation since November 2016.

Refugees Welcome: Mission

The mission of Refugees Welcome is very simple: it is an internet platform that connects refugees with local residents wanting to rent out rooms to them, thus helping refugees get a roof over their heads. At the same time, this opens the door to social integration, getting to know each other and breaking down stereotypes. The program has already placed more than 1500 refugees in locals’ homes in 16 countries. You can find out more about the program at: refugeeswelcome.pl/

Refugees Welcome Polska

The Polish chapter of Refugees Welcome was established in 2015 and has been functioning as a program of Ocalenie Foundation since November 2016. It helps solve two main issues that refugees face:

  • Housing problems
  • Problems relating to integration: getting to know Polish culture and the Polish language.

Refugees taking part in the program can count on one-on-one support from Polish volunteers, who help them during their integration process. They also have access to the free specialist services offered by Ocalenie Foundation: Polish language classes, psychotherapy, legal assistance and support of cultural mentors.

Landlords can also count on the support of the Refugees Welcome team. We help with the lease agreement, move-in and solve any problems that may occur. We make sure that sharing a flat is a pleasant experience for both parties.

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